Impact Analysis Voluntary Patient Registration

Impact Analysis Voluntary Patient Registration focuses on the reform of Australia's Primary Health Care system. The document has been developed by the Office of Impact Analysis (OIA) and outlines the need for a Voluntary Patient Registration (VPR) system to improve the continuity and quality of care.
Australia's Primary Care System serves as the foundation for universal health care but has struggled to keep pace with the evolving needs of Australians. The Medicare system, although robust, is becoming increasingly expensive and less accessible. A Strengthening Medicare Taskforce was formed to address these challenges and recommended the introduction of VPR.
Problem Definition:
The primary care system lacks a formal mechanism to link patients to care providers, leading to fragmented care and worse health outcomes. The current fee-for-service model encourages volume-based care over integrated, team-based care.
Objective of Government Action:
The government aims to introduce reforms centered on improving patient access to person-centered care, encouraging coordinated multidisciplinary teams, and enhancing data and digital technology for value-based care.
Policy Options:
Two options are considered:
1. Status Quo – Do Nothing: This will not invest in patient-centered continuous care.
2. Implementation of VPR: This supports the introduction of VPR to promote continuity of care and is set to be implemented from 1 October 2023.
The document provides a comprehensive analysis of the challenges in the current system and the potential benefits of implementing VPR.