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Welcome to a collection of resources for your perusal.


5 Tips for Better Huddles

Advice and tips on optimising the use of huddles

Systems Thinking, High Performing Health Systems, Culture

Clinical Microsystem Action Guide

Clinical Microsystems Action Guide serves as a comprehensive toolkits designed to assist healthcare providers in improving the quality of care at the microsystem level.

High Performing Health Systems

Four Habits of High-Value Health Care Organizations

The Four Habits of High-Value Health Care Organizations by Richard M.J. Bohmer, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, focuses on the key practices that set high-value health care organizations apart.

Patient Registration

Impact Analysis Voluntary Patient Registration


Medical Home resources from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US)

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) mission is to produce evidence to make health care safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable, and to work within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and with other partners to make sure that the evidence is understood and used. They have an extensive set of resources on PCMH.

Patient Registration

Patient Acuity Rubric

A patient acuity assessment tool

Patient Registration

Primary Care Provider Assignment Policy

The document gives some guidance on assigning patients from the Safety Net Medical Home Initiative.

Patient Registration

Scripting for Appointment Schedule

Sample scripts for receptionists to use

Systems Thinking

Systems Change

Systems change and understanding is a critical to quality improvement. These resources support quality improvement.

Patient Registration

Addressing Staff Pushback for Empanelment

This information sheet offers strategies to address staff push back in relation to patient registration

Patient Registration

Empanelment: A Foundational Component of Primary Health Care

Empanelment: A Foundational Component of Primary Health Care discusses the concept of empanelment as a critical element in primary health care (PHC)



Information from the Institute of Healthcare Improvement on the use of Huddles

Patient Safety, Culture

Just Culture Guide

This guide encourages managers to treat staff involved in a patient safety incident in a consistent, constructive and fair way.


Model of Team-Based Care Toolkit

An implementation guide and toolkit for team-based care.

Person Centred Care

Perfecting Patient Journeys

Perfecting Patient Journeys is a guide to value-stream improvement for leaders of healthcare organizations who want to implement lean thinking and engage employees in solving problems in order to deliver better and more efficient care.

Quality Improvement Tool

Problem Statement

Problem statement is an important tool when beginning a quality improvement project.

Communication, Person Centred Care

Shared Decision Making for Diabetes

A shared decision making tool from Mayo Clinic

Quality Improvement Tool, Facilitation, Coaching

The Game Guide

This is a guide with a number of games to help teach about quality improvement.

Facilitation, Coaching

Belonging–A Facilitator and Practice Guide

A link to a website is about belonging.


Experience based co-design

A toolkit to equip those working in the health sector with the tools and approaches to bring consumers and health workers together in an authentic and equal partnership to co-design care to deliver an improved experience.

Patient Safety

ISBAR Revisited: Identifying and Solving Barriers to
Effective Clinical Handover

Patient Safety

Manchester Patient Safety Framework

The Manchester Patient Safety Framework (MaPSaF) is a tool to help healthcare teams assess their progress in developing a safety culture across a five stage maturity and multiple domains.

Quality Improvement Tool

One Page Quality Improvement Project Template

This tool is a printable template from a one page quality improvement project.

Patient Safety, Communication

Practical Guide for Clinical Handover in Residential Aged Care Facilities

This is a practical guide to clinical handover in aged care for pimary care teams.

Quality Improvement Tool, Facilitation, Culture

Psychology of Change Management

This paper from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement in the US brings together a framework for quality improvement.

Patient Safety, Quality Improvement Tool

Significant Event Audit

Significant Event Audit is a technique for individuals, teams and clinical practices to reflect on incidents and improve services.

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