Wallid's Story
Wallid is a General Practitioner and principal GP with a long held and excellent reputation both nationally and internationally Wally holds a special interest in higher performing primary health care with a specific interest in person-centred care, quality improvement and safety science and achieving health improvement through the Quadruple Aim. Hills Family General Practice are practicing as a Patient Centred Medical Home (PCMH) and was considered a leader in the Commonwealth’s Health Care Home Program and NSW Integrated Care project. Health and Primary Care reform and systems integration are central to the work that he does. He co-chaired the Primary Health Care Reform Steering Group which informed the development of the Future Focused Primary Health Care 10-Year Plan, endorsed by the previous Government and is a key informant, participating in the current Government’s Primary Health Care Strategic Reform Group responsible for developing a national strategic plan for primary health care and mobilising the Stronger Medicare budget. Wally is an international advocate on VPR as a prerequisite and key enabler of future focused primary care.

Leanne's Story
Leanne Wells is a health policy consultant and consumer advocate with over thirty years’ experience in national health and social policy, program, and service development.
She is the former longstanding CEO of the Consumers Health Forum of Australia, the nation’s preeminent peak body for healthcare consumers. She has served as CEO of national peak and state-based organisations in the primary health sector.
Leanne has extensive governance and advisory experience serving as a Non-Executive Director on boards in the for-purpose and health and human service sectors.
She is presently a Board Director and Chair of the Community Advisory Council at Coordinare (the South-eastern NSW Primary Health Network) and has been recently appointed as Chair of the OzHelp Foundation where she has been a long-serving Director. She Chairs the Expert Consumer and Community Panel at ASPIRE, the Australian Social Prescribing Institute for Research and Education, and is a member of the Orygen Institute’s External Advisory Board.
She has held several Ministerial and government advisory appointments including the Commonwealth’s Primary Health Care Advisory Group and the National Preventative Strategy Advisory Committee.
Leanne has tertiary qualifications in communications and business and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Australian Institute of Leadership and Management.

Tracey's Story
Tracey has been CEO of Inala Primary Care, a charitable, multidisciplinary, teaching and research active general practice in Queensland’s most disadvantaged suburban location for more than 10 years. She has taken a small practice, which in the previous five years consistently ran at a loss, into a nationally recognised, award-winning organisation. The IPC model was named as one of four which should be adopted nationally under the 10 Year Health Reform Process. The practice routinely hosts study tours from interested health stakeholders from around the country. So far this year site visits have occurred from players representing WentWest and WNSWPHN. Tracey was previously a senior executive within Queensland Health and understands reform, partnerships and integrated models of care. With this background she has forged new services funded between Metro South HHS, Mater Health Services and the practice. Their success has led to other general practices around the country adopting these models. Her ongoing client base for practice mentoring and support includes Western Queensland PHN and a variety of other PHNs and indigenous health providers. She is at the forefront of using social prescribing to relieve pressure from frequent attenders at the practice and create more access and better health outcomes. Her background in business consulting means she has provided advice to a number of practices considering adoption of teambased care and charitable structures. In 2015 she undertook a Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship studying how to bring care out of hospitals and into the community. This led to ongoing links with providers in NZ, Canada, USA, UK and Hong Kong. She remains research active through co-designing new models of care at the practice. She is a Member of the Voluntary Patient Registration Working Group and Nurse Led Clinic Advisory Committee as well as Deputy Chair of the Primary Care Advisory Group of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. To support general practice build performance she co-founded Cubiko in 2018, a practice management dashboard software solution. She regularly provides keynotes, workshops and articles on a wide range of leadership, practice management and clinical redesign topics.
Jagdeesh's Story
A General Practitioner in South East Melbourne with a special interest in aged care. He is the Chair of the Expert Advisory Group for Older Adults in North West Melbourne PHN. He has several additional advisory roles and directorships in various academic institutions and companies in the health services sector. Jag has over twenty years’ experience as a GP partner and was previously Deputy Director of Postgraduate Medicine at Keele Medical School and Honorary Associate Professor in Health Service Management at Warwick University (UK). He is a Consultant Medical Advisory in Healthcare Technology Strategy to global companies including BT plc and a variety of Australian and UK SME technology companies. Jag is passionate about sharing his learnings and particular interests include healthcare leadership and transformation, ageing and complexity and supporting new technologies and innovations.